Regulations on Management of Off-campus


(1)国际学生一般应在学校留学生公寓、宿舍内住宿,确需住宿校外者应按照公安出入境管理部门的规定在入住2 4小时内向住宿地所在派出所申报住宿并向国际交流学院提交如下材料 :

International students are expected to dwell in a dormitory of the university in normal cases. Those who do need to dwell off campus must go through the registration formalities with the local police station in the places of residence within24 hours after arrival in accordance with the regulations of the entry& exit administration of the public security bureau, and apply to the faculty to get the approval, and then submit the following documents to International College.


“Application Form and a guarantee for Off-campus Dwelling of International Students at Huzhou University” approved by the faculty with a seal on it.


“Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” from the local police station in the places of residence.


A photocopy of lease contract:

International students who lease a private living place shall ask the owner to present a “Public Security License” and sign a lease contract with the owner.


Photocopy of the identity card of landlord


Other considerations


International students who dwell in a guest house, hotel or leased apartment shall provide a relevant certificate specifying the dwelling period from the place you reside.


International students who lodge at their relative’s or friend’s places:


Relevant information about their relative or friend must be provided, including his/her name, address, relationship with the student and valid credentials.

II 担保人须与被担保人签署书面担保书,并承诺:

The relative or friend must sign a written letter of guarantee with the student and agree with the following items:


To have the student dwell at his/her place;


To willingly bear relevant legal liabilities.

(2) 申请办理校外住宿登记手续流程:

Procedures of off-campus dwelling registration:


Current on-campus students move into off-campus accommodation

and apply for residence registration.

向beat365官方网站入口递交申请材料获批后与具备向外籍人员租房的房东签订租赁合同入住2 4小时内至房屋所在派出所申报登记并办理《境外人员住宿登记凭证/Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas》 向国际交流学院递交派出所签发的《境外人员住宿登记凭证/Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas》复印件签署beat365官方网站入口校外住宿保证书到留学生宿舍管理员处结算电费、检查宿舍、上交钥匙。

I The students must, first of all, submit an “Application Form for Off-campus Dwelling of International Students at Huzhou University” to International College and provide relevant documents, such as lease contract, for verification. They must not start dwelling off campus before getting approval.

II Within24 hours after move-in, they must go to the local police station with their own passports in the dwelling area for a residence registration.

III They must come to International College and have their contact information recorded, such as domicile telephone or cell phone number recorded, taking with the “Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” given by the police station when they mark registration.

IV They must sign up for the Accommodation Certificate for Off-campus Living from International College.

V Clean the electricity fee, check the dormitory and return the key.

(3) 来华留学生在校外住宿应注意人身和财产安全,不违章使用电器,不违章驾驶机动车和非机动车,遇到可疑人员或紧急情况及时向有关保卫人员或公安部门报告。

When dwelling off campus, international students must pay attention to personal and property security; they must not use rule-breaking electric appliances or drive a motorcycle in violation of regulations. In case of running into suspicious persons or emergency, students should contact public security departments immediately.

(4) 国际学生在校外住宿必须严格遵守中国法律法规,不得从事危害中国国家安全的活动。

Off-campus dwellers should strictly comply with Chinese laws and regulations and must not engage in any activities endangering China’s national security.

(5) 国际交流学院将不定期配合公安部门对校外住宿的外国来华留学生进行安全查访,留学生应予以积极配合,不得无礼阻拦或拒绝查访。

International College will work with public security departments at irregular intervals and visit students’ dwellings off campus. International students should cooperate and offer assistance needed with no rejection or decline.

(6) 留学生在校外住宿发生突发情况,应立即拨打电话“110”“119”“120”或就近到派出所报警并联系学校保卫处,配合进行处理。

Students dwelling off campus should, in case of emergency, contact the public security department at110119120 immediately and facilitate the cooperation in the investigation and efforts for the solution.