Code of Conduct for International Students of Huzhou University


(1) 按时足额缴纳学费、住宿费、书费;在规定时间内,将学费足额汇入beat365体育官网平台指定账户;未交清学杂费,不可办理居留许可延签。

Pay your tuition accommodation and book fees before the set deadline. If you have not completed this step, you will not be permitted to apply for your Residence Permit/Visa.

(2) 及时到beat365体育官网平台留学生管理中心(2号行政楼309室)购买来华留学综合保险,严禁脱保。

Pay your insurance fee at the Huzhou University Student Affairs  Center(2 Administration BuildingRoom323) before the set deadline.

(3) 居留许可过期30日前,及时到beat365体育官网平台留学生管理中心领取表格申请办理延长居留手续,过期将被中国公安机关罚款、 拘留或驱逐出境。

Go to the Huzhou University Student Affairs Center 30 days before your Residence Permit/Visa expiration date and pick up a Residence Permit/Visa application form in order to process a new Residence Permit/Visa. Otherwise you will be charged for overdue fines, on detention or deportation by the police.

(4) 上课不迟到、不早退、不旷课。因病等特殊情况向所在学院请假。

Don’t be late for class, leave class early or skip class. If you are sick or have something important to do and cannot attend any class, go to your faculty and report to the teachers.

(5) 上课遵守课堂纪律,不使用手机,不吃东西。

Behave yourself during class. You are not allowed to disturb the students around you. Don’t use your mobile phone and don’t eat when having class.

(6) 遵守考场纪律,不违纪作弊;因各种原因不能参加考试须在考试前向学院提出书面申请。

Comply with examination rules. Cheating is strictly prohibited. If for some reason you are not able to attend any examinations, go to your faculty and get a written approval in advance.

(7)  教学楼、教室等公共场所禁止吸烟、喧哗;保持教学楼和教室清洁,私人书籍和用具不应留在教室内。

 It is prohibited to smoke in the classrooms, buildings and other public places on campus; personal items should not be left in the classrooms or around campus.

(8) 不得夜不归宿,在晚上11点前必须回宿舍。

 You should return to your dormitory before1100 pm.

(9) 不得在宿舍留宿他人,不得在宿舍大声喧哗,不得在寝室内外大声播放音乐,影响他人休息。

Don’t disturb others by having visitors for the night and making noise in the dormitory. Playing loud music is also not allowed.

(10) 不得在人多的地方踢足球、打篮球等。未经允许不得私自闯入未开放场馆、区域进行玩耍。

It is prohibited to play sports of any kind in the dormitory. It is not allowed to brake in and play at unopened venues and areas without permission.

(11) 不得打架、斗殴,不得侮辱、谩骂他人。

Fighting and verbal insults are not allowed.

(12) 不得酗酒,不得吸毒,不得酒驾,不得卖淫、嫖娼。

Drinking, drug usage, prostitution and whoring are strictly prohibited.

(13) 不得有诈骗行为,不得非法拿取别人财物。

Fraud or theft is strictly prohibited.

(14) 不得非法务工,校外实习需按要求完成实习签注。

It is not allowed to work illegally. For off campus internship, the internship endorsement shall be completed as required.

(15) 维护校园交通安全,校园内驾驶机动车、电瓶车速度不超过20km/h,自行车、电瓶车不带人。

To ensure the safety of others, while riding an electric bike or bicycle it is prohibited to go faster than20km per hour, and having a passenger on the back seat is not allowed.

(16) 尊重不同国家、不同民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰,不得参加非法宗教聚会及其他非法活动。

Respect other students’ ethnic customs, religious beliefs and languages. It is prohibited to participate in any religious gatherings and participation of any illegal events.

(17) 不得无故请假,如确需请假请遵守请假制度。

It is prohibited to take time off from class without proper reason. If you need to take time off from classes, follow“ Ask for Leave System”.

(18) 如果遇到危及人身、财产及生命安全的紧急情况,可拨打紧急求助电话110求助; 非紧急情况可以拨打学校管理老师的电话求助;火警119

If you are in any danger, get hurt in anyway, or any of your personal belongings have been stolen, please call110. In case of nonemergency situations, call the school management teachers for help. In case of a fire, please call 119.(19) 关注“湖师国际”微信公众号“HZUISA”,及时查收学校通知。

Please follow us on WeChat for important news and updates (Official WeChat ID: HZUISA).


Save water and electricity. It is strictly forbidden to use high-power electrical appliances in the school dormitory. When people leave the dormitory, cut off the power supply in time.


Do not smoke or drink alcohol in classrooms, restaurants, elevators and other public places.

(22) 严格按照垃圾分类的相关要求处理垃圾,把废纸、废铁等可利用的废物集中处理,进行回收利用。

The garbage shall be treated in strict accordance with the relevant requirements of garbage classification, and the recyclable wastes such as waste paper and waste iron shall be treated in a centralized manner for recycling.

(23) 注意保护和美化自己生活学习的环境,不乱扔垃圾,不随地吐痰,不故意破坏学校绿化设施。

Pay attention to protecting and beautifying living and learning environment, do not litter, do not spit everywhere, and do not deliberately damage the greening facilities of the school.

(24) 积极参与公益活动,努力促进环境改善,自觉参与环境保护的监督管理,主动承担校园污染监督工作及校园保护环境责任。

Actively participate in public welfare activities, strive to promote environmental improvement, consciously participate in the supervision and management of environmental protection, and actively assume the responsibility of campus pollution supervision and campus environmental protection.

(25) 主动参与绿色校园建设宣传工作,积极宣传有关环境保护的法令,宣传保护环境的重要意义。

Actively participate in the publicity of green campus construction, actively publicize the laws and regulations on environmental protection, and publicize the significance of environmental protection.