第一章 总 则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一条 为加强学校管理,维护正常的教学秩序和良好的学习、生活环境,建设文明和谐平安校园,教育广大学生严于律己,遵纪守法,根据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、《高等学校学生行为准则》、《普通高等学校学生管理规定》和beat365体育官网平台《学生违纪处分办法(试行)》(湖师院发〔2017〕61号)的精神,结合beat365体育官网平台实际,特制定本细则。
Article1 For the objectives of reinforcing the educational, teaching and living order, promoting the morality, intellect, fitness and virtue of international students, and safeguarding a good environment for their study and living, Implementation Rules on Punishment of Discipline Violation for International Students in China of Huzhou University are formulated (hereinafter refer to as “these Rules”) according to Higher Education Law of PRC, Code of Conduct for Students in Institutions of Higher Education, Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education, and Measures on Punishment of Discipline Violation for Students(Trial) (HSYF No. 61 [2017]) and in the light of the actual circumstances of Huzhou University.
第二条 本细则适用于具有beat365体育官网平台正式学籍的国际学生进修生和全日制本科生。其他类型学生的违纪处分参照本细则执行。
Article2 These Rules are applicable to international students with formal student’s status of Huzhou University and those studying full-time undergraduate programs. Punishment of discipline violation of other types of student shall refer to these Rules.
第三条 学校对学生的处分,应做到程序正当,证据充分,依据明确,定性准确,处分恰当;应坚持公平、公开、公正原则,坚持教育与处分相结合原则,坚持学生申诉权受保障原则。
Article3 The punishment for students executed by the university shall have due process, sufficient evidence, clear basis, accurate determination of nature, and proper disposal. The university shall adhere to the principle of fairness, openness and justice, the principle of combining education with punishment, and the principle of protecting student's rights to petition.
第二章 处分种类和适用
Chapter 2 Types of punishment and Application
第四条 学生纪律处分的种类分为:
Article4 The types of disciplinary actions of students are divided into:
(2)Serious warning;
(3)Recording of demerit;
(4)Academic probation;
(5)Expulsion from academic status.
第五条 有下列情形之一的,从重或者加重处分:
Article5 In the case of one of the following circumstances, heavier punishment or aggravating punishment will be executed:
(1)Make investigation difficulty deliberately; create obstacles thus to interfere with obtaining evidence;
(2)Violate discipline for twice or above;
(3)Have received punishment before during the period of study;
(4)Threaten and intimidate, attack and retaliate the offence reporter, witness or staff;
(5)Play a main role in the common action of disciplinary violation;
(6)Serve as the caller or organizer of a mass event of disciplinary violation;
(7)Bring about very serious consequences.
第六条 有下列情形之一的,可以从轻处分:
Article6 Under one of the following situations, lighter punishment can be executed:
(1)Attempted disciplinary violation; Take the initiative to suspend the action of disciplinary violation or take measures to ameliorate the consequences of disciplinary violation;
(2)Make true statement of wrong fact, do careful and profound self-criticism, and have repentance performance during the investigation on disciplinary violation;
(3)Take the initiative to report his/her own action of disciplinary violation to relevant departments of the university, or actively confess the action of disciplinary violation during the investigation;
(4)Take the initiative to disclose the violations of law and discipline of others which are beyond the knowledge of university and verified to be true;
(5)Be forced or trapped by others to implement the action of disciplinary violation.
第七条 经法定程序鉴定确认,在不能辨认或者不能控制自己行为的时候实施违纪行为的,不予处理,但是应当按照《来华留学生(学历生)学籍管理实施细则》办理休学或退学手续;尚未完全丧失辨认或者控制自己行为能力的时候实施违纪行为的,可以从轻或者减轻处分。
Article7 For students implementing actions of disciplinary violation when they can't identify or control their own behavior upon the identification and confirmation of legal procedures, no handling will be conducted, but they shall be ordered to suspend the study or dropout according to the Implementation Rules on Students’ Status Management of International students (International Students Receiving Academic Education); For students implementing actions of disciplinary violation when they have not completely lost the ability of identifying or controlling their own behavior, lighter punishment or mitigated punishment shall be executed.
第八条 受处分者,附加给予下列限制:
Article8 Students receiving the punishment will have the following restrictions:
(1)Scholarship or various honorary titles will not be awarded in this school year;
(2)Scholarship not issued will be suspended for those who have obtained the scholarship.
第三章 违纪行为和处分
Chapter 3 Disciplinary Violation and Punishment
第九条 触犯中国法律、构成刑事犯罪的,给予开除学籍处分;违反治安管理规定受到处罚,性质恶劣的,给予开除学籍处分;其他违反治安管理规定的行为,视情节轻重给予记过或留校察看处分。
Article9 Students violating Chinese laws and constituting criminal offence will receive the punishment of expulsion from academic status; Students violating security administration regulations with odious nature will receive the punishment of expulsion from academic status; Students having other behaviors of violating security administration regulations will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation in the light of circumstances.
第十条 组织和煽动闹事、破坏安定团结、扰乱社会秩序的,给予开除学籍处分;组织成立非法组织或未经有关部门批准擅自策划、组织大型集会、游行、示威等活动的,给予开除学籍处分;参与非法组织、集会、游行、示威等活动,视情节轻重给予批评教育或警告处分。
Article10 Students organizing and stirring up the trouble, destroying the stability and unity, and disturbing the social order will receive the punishment of expulsion from academic status; Students establishing illegal organizations or planning and organizing mass gathering, parade, demonstration and other activities without the approval of relevant departments will receive the punishment of expulsion from academic status; Students participating in illegal organization, gathering, parade, demonstration and other activities will receive the punishment of criticism and education, and warning in the light of circumstances.
第十一条 违反学校管理规定,影响学校教育教学秩序、生活秩序以及公共场所管理秩序,侵害其他个人、组织合法权益,尚未构成犯罪的,视情节和后果给予以下处分:
Article11 Students, who violate management regulations of the university, influence the order of school education, the order of life in campus and the order of management in public places, infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of other individuals and organizations, but have not constituted a crime, will receive the following punishment according to the seriousness and consequences:
(1)Students violating the university regulations, influencing the order of school education, the order of life in campus and the order of management in public places, infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of other individuals and organizations will receive the punishment of warning, serious warning or recording of demerit; Students whose behaviors cause grave consequences will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status;
(2)Students stopping national staff and university administrators from performing official duties according to law or regulations and disciplines of the university will receive the punishment of warning to academic probation according to the seriousness and consequences;
(3)Students deliberately destroying public facilities, doing harm to the property of university or others, using electricity, fire and other dangerous goods in violation of regulations, thus causing consequences will make compensation for the economic losses and receive the punishment of serious warning or recording of demerit;
(4)Students spreading and copying illegal books and periodicals or audiovisual products, and participating in illegal pyramid selling activities will receive the punishment of serious warning or recording of demerit;
(5)Students insulting, libeling, falsely accusing or threatening others, violating others' freedom of correspondence will receive the punishment of warning, serious warning or recording of demerit.
第十二条 违反《beat365体育官网平台来华留学生宿舍管理办法》,分别给予下列处分:
Article12 Students violating Dormitory Management Measures for International students of Huzhou University will receive the following punishments:
(1)Students staying out all night without approval of International College will receive the punishment of warning or above in the light of circumstances;
(2)Students applying for off-campus accommodation, violating relevant regulations and bringing about adverse influence upon the university will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation;
(3)Students making noise, playing instruments, playing music, having parties and having other behaviors of influencing others’ study, life and rest in international students apartment during school hours and lunch break and after 11 o'clock in the evening will get the criticism and education, those refusing the dissuasion will get the punishment of warning or above in the light of circumstances, and those refusing to correct despite repeated education will be ordered to move out of the dormitory;
(4)Students causing traffic trouble after drinking will receive the punishment of warning or above and academic probation or below in the light of circumstances;
(5)Students violating Dormitory Management Measures, allowing off-campus person to live in the dormitory and allowing opposite-sex friends stay or live in the dormitory will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning;
(6)International students shall not use open fire and burn articles inside the apartment and shall not cook food in the room; Students causing a fire due to their negligence will receive the punishment of serious warning or above in the light of circumstances;
(7)Students violating electricity consumption management measures and using illegal electric appliance without permission will receive the punishment of warning or above in the light of circumstances;
(8)Others violating apartment management measures will receive the punishment of warning or above in the light of circumstances.
第十三条 损害校园文明建设,扰乱正常的校园秩序,分别给予下列处分:
Article13 Students doing harm to campus civilization construction and disturbing the normal campus order will receive the following punishments:
(1)Students destroying public facilities, greening, environmental sanitation and violating relevant regulations on management of public places of the university will receive the punishment of warning or above and academic probation or below;
(2)Students maliciously calling special emergency telephone and on-duty telephone for emergency of the university will receive the punishment of warning or above and academic probation or below;
(3)Students making and spreading rumors or deliberately fabricating facts, making false statement, confusing facts, etc. will receive the punishment of warning or above and academic probation or below;
(4)Students carrying articles prohibited by national laws and regulations into the campus and illegally storing or using highly toxic, flammable, explosive, easily corrosive, radioactive, infectious articles, bacterial or viral samples and other articles prohibited by national laws and regulations on campus will receive the punishment of warning or above and academic probation or below;
(5)Students having other behaviors of harming campus civilization will receive the punishment of warning or above and academic probation or below.
第十四条 违反校园管理规定,组织各类营利活动或违章设摊者:
Article14 Students violating campus management regulations and organizing various profit-making activities or setting up stalls illegally will receive the following punishments:
(1)Students organizing and being agent of travel business on campus without approval will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning; those triggering disturbance will receive the punishment of recording of demerit; and those leading to serious consequences will receive the punishment of academic probation;
(2)Students setting up stalls or organizing various profit-making activities without approval will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning; those refusing to correct despite repeated education or leading to serious consequences will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation;
(3)Students posting or distributing commercial propaganda materials indiscriminately and refusing to correct despite repeated education will receive the punishment of warning or above and recording of demerit or below.
第十五条 对违反中国关于计算机网络使用的有关规定,尚未构成犯罪的,视情节及危害程度分别给予以下处分:
Article15 Students violating relevant regulations on the use of computer network in China and having not constituted a crime will receive the following punishments depending on the circumstances and the extent of the damage:
(1)Students embezzling others’ network account and password will receive the punishment of warning or above and recording of demerit or below according to the extent of the impact;
(2)Students seeking illegal profits through network of the university will receive the punishment of serious warning or recording of demerit;
(3)Students deliberately making and spreading virus emails and junk mails will receive the punishment of serious warning or recording of demerit;
(4)Students deliberately insulting and libeling others through the network and making others’ privacy public will receive the punishment of serious warning or above and academic probation or below;
(5)Students inciting illegal parade and gathering through network and other tools will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning; those leading to serious consequences will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation;
(6)Students destroying the university network security defense system, attacking and destroying public network service facilities, entering the network system illegally to steal and tamper information data will receive the punishment of serious warning or recording of demerit;
(7)Students writing or spreading harmful information of distorting the facts or insulting and slandering others’ personality, obscenity, violence, etc. through the network, thus producing adverse influence will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation;
(8)Students embezzling others’ IP address and user account through the network and endangering network security will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning.
第十六条 组织、策划或参与打架、斗殴,尚未构成犯罪的,除承担相应的经济赔偿(含受害者的医药费、护理费、必需的营养费等费用)责任以外,分别给予以下处分:
Article16 Students organizing, planning or participating in the fighting and brawling and having not constituted a crime will bear the corresponding economic compensation (including the victim’s medical expenses, nursing expenses, necessary nutrition fee, etc.) and receive the following punishments:
(1)Students who are the planner and wrecker of fighting and brawling will receive the punishment of recording of demerit; those taking part in serious cases, will receive the punishment of academic probation;
(2)Students participating in the fighting and brawling will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning in the light of circumstances;
(3)Students deliberately providing tools for others’ fighting will receive the punishment of recording of demerit.
第十七条 私藏、携带中国公安部门管制的刀具,给予严重警告处分;造成后果者,视情节轻重给予记过以上处分。
Article17 Students possessing and carrying cutting tools controlled by public security department of China will receive the punishment of serious warning; those leading to consequences will receive the punishment of recording of demerit in the light of circumstances.
第十八条 吸食毒品,视情节轻重,给予留校察看或者开除学籍处分。
Article18 Students taking drugs will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status in the light of circumstances.
第十九条 校园内禁止通行摩托车,经劝阻不改者视情节轻重给予警告以上处分。
Article19 Students refusing the dissuasion and still driving motorcycle on campus will receive the punishment of warning or above in the light of circumstances.
第二十条 为他人提供赌博场所、赌资或赌具者,给予警告或严重警告处分;参与赌博或变相赌博者,给予严重警告或记过处分;屡犯给予留校察看或开除学籍处分。
Article20 Students providing others with gambling site, gamble fund or gambling devices will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning; Those participating in gambling or disguised gambling will receive the punishment of serious warning or recording of demerit; Those refusing to correct despite repeated education will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status.
第二十一条 制作、复制、传播或者聚众观看淫秽、封建迷信及其他有害的物品者,视情节轻重,给予记过、留校察看处分。
Article21 Students making, copying and spreading or gathering a crowd to watch obscene articles, feudalistic superstition articles and other harmful articles will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation in the light of circumstances.
第二十二条 私自下河游泳者,给予警告或严重警告处分。
Article22 Students swimming in the river without permission will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning.
第二十三条 侵犯、损害他人正当权益及人身安全,损害国家、集体利益者
Article23 Students infringing and harming others’ legitimate rights and interests and personal safety, and harming national and collective interests will receive the following interests:
(1)Students embezzling the name of organization or others for seeking personal profits:
1. Students embezzling the name of work unit, organization or others for seeking personal profits shall make compensation for the economic losses and receive the punishment of serious warning or above and academic probation or below;
2. Students falsely claiming others’ money and goods in others’ name shall return the money and goods claimed falsely and receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation;
(2)Students forging and selling various certificates, seals and documentary evidence, proof materials, or achieving personal purposes with other improper means or methods will receive the punishment of serious warning or recording of demerit. Those taking part in serious cases will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status;
(3)Students maliciously harassing, intimidating and threatening others will receive the punishment of serious warning or above and academic probation or below;
(4)Students hiding, destroying or privately opening others’ emails and telegrams will receive the punishment of serious warning or above and academic probation or below;
(5)Students disclosing state and university secrets will receive the punishment of serious warning or above and academic probation or below according to the seriousness and consequences.
第二十四条 以各种手段非法占用国家、集体和个人合法财物者:
Article24 Students illegally occupying the national, collective and personal legal property with various means will receive the following punishments:
(1)Students committing a crime with a value between 100 and 200 RMB will receive the punishment of warning: Students committing a crime with a value between 201 and 400 RMB will receive the punishment of serious warning;
(2)Students committing a crime with a value between 401 and 800 RMB will receive the punishment of recording of demerit: Students committing a crime with a value between 800 and 1,200 RMB will receive the punishment of academic probation; Students committing a crime with a value above RMB 1,201 will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status in the light of circumstances.
(3)Students stealing official seals, confidential documents, files and the like will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status in the light of circumstances;
(4)Students illegally occupying the national, collective or personal illegal property or articles with other ways will receive the punishment of warning or above and academic probation or below in the light of circumstances. Students standing sentry, providing information and tools for criminal purpose or covering up and receiving stolen property for criminals will receive the punishment of warning or above and academic probation or below.
第二十五条 损坏公私财物者:
Article25 Students destroying public or private properties will receive the following punishments:
(1)Students destroying the public or private properties due to negligence and causing certain damage in serious cases shall make compensation for the losses and will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning;
(2)Students deliberately destroying the public or private properties shall make compensation for the losses and will receive the punishment of warning or above and recording of demerit or below in the light of circumstances and the extent of the damage;
(3)Students taking part in serious cases, causing very serious consequences will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status.
第二十六条 违反国家消防法律法规和学校消防安全有关规定,擅自动用、损坏消防器材、设备者,除赔偿损失外,给予警告或者严重警告处分;引起火警者,除赔偿损失外,给予记过或者留校察看处分;造成火灾者,除赔偿损失外,视情节轻重,给予留校察看或者开除学籍处分。
Article26 Students violating national fire laws and regulations and relevant provisions on fire safety of the university, and arbitrarily using and destroying fire fighting equipment shall make compensation for the losses and will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning; Students causing fire alarm shall make compensation for the losses and will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation; Students causing fire accidents shall make compensation for the losses and will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status in the light of circumstances.
第二十七条 作伪证者:
Article27 Students giving false testimony will receive the following punishments:
(1)Students deliberately giving false testimony, as the witness of an event of disciplinary violation, will receive the punishment of warning or above and recording of demerit or below;
(2)Students deliberately giving false testimony, as the participant of an event of disciplinary violation, will receive the heavier punishment.
第二十八条 违反教学管理规定,旷课或擅自离校、教育实践环节擅自离岗者:
Article28 Students violating teaching management regulations, being absent from class, teaching practice links or leaving university without permission, will receive the following punishments:
(1)Students with cumulative absence time of 7-14 class hours will receive the punishment of warning;
(2)Students with cumulative absence time of 15-24 class hours will receive the punishment of serious warning;
(3)Students with cumulative absence time of 25-34 class hours will receive the punishment of recording of demerit;
(4)Students with cumulative absence time of 35 class hours or above will receive the punishment of academic probation.
第二十九条 违反考场纪律和考试作弊者:
Article29 Students violating examination disciplines and cheating in the examination will receive the following punishments:
(1)Examinees having one of following behaviors shall be deemed as disciplinary violation in examination and will receive the punishment of warning or serious warning in the light of circumstances:
1. Carry items other than those specified by regulations into the examination room and fail to place them on the specified location;
2. Fail to take the examination in the specified seat;
3. Answer the questions before the signal of starting examination is sent out or continue to answer the questions after the signal of ending examination is sent out;
4. Peep, whisper to each other, give secret signals or gesture to each other during the examination;
5. Make confused noise and affect the order of examination rooms within the area prohibited by the regulations;
6. Leave the examination room without permission of examination staff s during the examination;
7. Take examination papers, answer sheets, scratch papers and other examination papers out of examination rooms;
8. Use pens or papers not specified to answer questions or write names and examination numbers in places beyond that specified by examination papers or mark information on the answer sheet with other ways;
9. Carry materials or tools prohibited in the open-book examinations;
10. Other behaviors violating examination rules but having not constituted cheating.
(2)Examinees having one of following behaviors shall be deemed as cheating in the examination and will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation;
1. Carry written materials related to the content of the examination course or electronic equipment storing materials related to examination content in the closed-book examination;
2. Scribble any words and symbols related to the content of the examination course on the examination desk or body;
3. Misuse electronic tools or communication tools;
4. Plagiarize others’ examination paper or materials related to examination content;
5. Deliberately give one’s own examination paper or materials related to examination content to others for plagiarism;
6. Check answers and pass notes, examination papers, answer sheets and scratch papers;
7. Snatch and steal others’ examination papers and answer sheets or force others to provide convenience for plagiarism;
8. Temporarily leave the examination room with an excuse for obtaining answers;
9. There are two answer sheets or above for the same subject share similar answers in the same examination room;
10. Adopt other means for cheating.
(3)Examinees having one of following behaviors shall be deemed as cheating in the examination and will receive the punishment of academic probation or expulsion from academic status in the light of circumstances:
1. Use communications equipment and other tools to send and receive related examination contents;
2. Take the examination on behalf of others or ask others to take the examination on behalf of himself/herself;
3. Organize cheating;
4. Steal examination papers;
5. Change score;
6. Have actions of disciplinary violation in examination or cheating in the examination for twice or above.
第三十条 在进行科学研究中,存在学术不端行为,情节轻微者,给予严重警告处分;情节较轻者,给予记过或留校察看处分;情节严重者,给予开除学籍处分。
Article30 For students having academic misconduct during the scientific research, if the seriousness is slight, students will receive the punishment of serious warning; If the seriousness is relatively minor, students will receive the punishment of recording of demerit or academic probation; If the seriousness is serious, students will receive the punishment of expulsion from academic status.
第三十一条 违反《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则》的相关内容,参与未登记的非法宗教场所的聚会活动、在校内外进行传教及宗教聚会、销售宗教用品、散发宗教宣传品等违反学校规定的,给予严重警告或记过处分;构成违反中华人民共和国法律法规、由公安机关依法予以处理的,及构成犯罪的、由司法机关依法追究刑事责任的,学校予以开除学籍处分。
Article31 Students violating relevant contents in Rules of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Religious Activities of Aliens in China, participating in the party activities in illegal unregistered religious sites, preaching religion, organizing religious party, selling religious articles, sending out religious propaganda materials inside and outside the campus and the like will receive the punishment of serious warning or recording of demerit; Students violating laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and handled by public security organs according to law, constituting crimes, and being investigated by the judicial organs for criminal liability according to law will receive the punishment of expulsion from academic status.
第三十二条 屡次违反学校规定受到纪律处分,经教育不改者,给予开除学籍处分。
Article32 Students receiving disciplinary sanction due to violating university regulations repeatedly and refusing to correct despite repeated education will receive the punishment of expulsion from academic status.
第三十三条 留校察看期一般为一年。受留校察看处分的学生,在察看期间有明显进步表现的,察看期满后,可按期解除留校察看;有立功表现的,可提前解除;继续违纪或重新违纪的给予开除学籍处分。毕业班学生达到校察看处分,作留校察看处分,察看期一般至毕业时止。
Article33 Generally, time of academic probation is 1 year. For students receiving the punishment of academic probation who have obvious improvement during this period, the university will cancel the academic probation when the probation period come to an end; For students with meritorious performance, the university will cancel the academic probation in advance; Students continuing to violate the discipline or violate new discipline will receive the punishment of expulsion from academic status. For students from graduation class receiving the punishment of academic probation, the period of academic probation generally lasts to the graduation.
Chapter 4 Punishment Management Authority and Punishment Procedures
第三十四条 学生发生违纪事件,一般情况下由所在学院对其进行批评、教育并提出处分意见。本科生处分意见报beat365官方网站入口审定。违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》或触犯刑法的,由保卫部门负责与公安、司法机关的联系,协助和配合公安、司法机关查清事实,同时填写材料移交单,将公安、司法机关的调查和处理结果等有关材料转交学生处;
Article34 Generally, students conducting disciplinary violation actions will receive criticism, education and punishment opinions from their college. Punishment opinions for undergraduate students shall be submitted to International College for determination. For students violating Law of the People's Republic of China on Punishments in Public Order and Security Administration or criminal law, the security department shall contact the public security and judicial organs, assist and cooperate with public security and judicial organs for investigating facts, fill in the material transfer form, and transfer the investigation results, handling results and other relevant materials of public security and judicial organs to Students' Affairs Office;
For undergraduate students violating teaching management measures and examination discipline, their college shall find out the truth and submit it to International College, and International College shall put forward the handling opinions;
For students violating dormitory management measures, the dormitory management department shall provide relevant materials according to the violation and submit it to International College for determination; under special circumstances, International College shall directly put forward punishment opinions.
第三十五条 跨学院的学生违纪事件,由beat365官方网站入口及相关部门牵头,召集学生所在学院有关负责人讨论研究,按照本细则提出处理意见。有关学院按照处理意见提出处分意见,按规定处分程序呈报处理。
Article35 For disciplinary violation events involving cross-college students, International College and relevant departments shall take the lead to call relevant responsible persons of those students’ colleges for discussion and research, and put forward handling opinions according to these Rules. Relevant colleges put forward the punishment opinions according to the handling opinions, and submit the handling opinions according to the specified punishment procedures.
第三十六条 学生违纪事实查清后,学生所在学院应在一周内提出处分意见,报beat365官方网站入口处理。
Article36 After finding out the fact about students’ disciplinary violation, students’ college shall put forward the punishment opinions within 1 week and submit them to International College for handling.
第三十七条 学校在对学生作出处分决定前,应当听取学生或其代理人的陈述和申辩,学生享有充分的申辩权。对留校察看和开除学籍两种处分,在学校作出处分决定前,处分部门应告知学生有权申请听证。学生申请听证的,向学校听证委员会提出申请,按照《beat365体育官网平台听证制度实施办法(试行)》执行。
Article37 Before making the punishment decisions, the university shall listen to the statement and argument of the student and his/her agent, and the student enjoys the full right to defense. For such two kinds of punishment as academic probation and university expulsion, before the university makes the punishment decision, the punishment department shall inform the student of the right of applying for hearing. If applying for hearing, students shall submit the application to the Hearing Committee of the university, and follow the Measures for the Implementation of Hearing System of Huzhou University (Trial).
第三十八条 beat365官方网站入口对有关材料进行审定后,起草处分文件,报主管校领导签发。对于开除学籍处分的,应经校长会议讨论决定。
Article38 After reviewing relevant materials, International College shall draw up the punishment document and submit it to the university leader for issuance. The punishment opinion of expulsion from academic status shall be decided by the principal meeting upon the discussion.
第三十九条 处分决定作出后,学校采取适当方式在校内予以公布。处分文件一式3份,一份送交学生本人,一份送交学生所在学院,存入学生档案,另一份留学校备案。学生在接到处分决定时,必须在处分决定接收单上签字。学生拒绝签字的,由处分决定送达人员记录在案。学院在收到学生的处分决定后要做好相应的教育工作。处分决定无法送达时,学校采用公告方式送达。
Article39 After making the punishment decision, the university shall release it in the university with proper way. Punishment document shall be in triplicate, with one kept by the student, one kept by the student's college and put in the student’s file, and one kept by the university for the record. When receiving punishment decision, the student must sign on the punishment decision-receiving sheet. If the student refuses to give the signature, punishment decision delivery personnel shall put it on record. After receiving student's punishment decision, the college shall adopt the corresponding education. If the punishment decision fails to be served, the university shall adopt the means of public notice for service.
第四十条 处分决定应真实完整地归入学校文书档案和学生本人档案,不得撤除。处分决定送达违纪学生后,违纪学生对处分决定有异议的,可在5个工作日内向学校学生申诉处理委员会提出申诉,由于特殊原因处分决定文件无法送达违纪学生的,申诉期限自公告期期满之日起计算。学校学生申诉处理委员会接到学生申诉书后的15个工作日内向学生作出书面答复。对学生的申诉,由学校学生申诉处理委员会核实情况,确认是否受理。对于受理的情况,由学校学生申诉处理委员会进行复查,给予答复。具体办法按《学生申诉处理办法(试行)》(湖师院发〔2017〕62号)执行。
Article40 The punishment decision shall be included into the documentary archives of the university and student’s file truthfully and completely and shall not be removed. After receiving the punishment decision, the student violating discipline can lodge a complaint to the Student Complaint Settlement Committee within 5 working days if he/she has objection. If punishment document fails to be delivered to the student violating discipline due to some special reasons, the complaint deadline shall be calculated from the expiration date of public notice period. After receiving student’s complaint, the Student Complaint Settlement Committee shall make the written reply to the student within 15 working days. For student’s complaint, the Student Complaint Settlement Committee shall verify the situation for confirming whether to accept it. If student’s complaint is accepted, the Student Complaint Settlement Committee will carry out the reexamination and give the reply. Specific measures follow the Measures on Handling Complaints for Students (Trial) (HSYF No. 62 [2017])
第四十一条 受留校察看处分的学生,符合本细则第三十二条的解除条件者,经学生本人申请,应解除其留校察看处分。
Article41 If students receiving the punishment of academic probation meet the conditions of cancellation in Article 32 under these Rules, the university shall cancel the punishment of academic probation upon the personal application.
第五章 附 则
Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions
第四十二条 本细则由beat365官方网站入口负责解释,相关学院和部门协同处理。
Article42 The International College is responsible for the interpretation of these Rules, and relevant colleges and departments are responsible for collaborative handling.