Admission Guide


Step A:办理来华X1签证,乘坐航班到达中国,办理入境手续,顺利入境;

Step A: Issue X1 visa in Chinese embassy in your country and take planes to China, checked by Chinese custom and enter China.


Step B:从入境口岸乘坐交通工具,前往浙江国际旅行卫生保健中心(地址浙江省杭州市西湖区文三路2号)进行体检,体检开放时间为工作日早上,体检完成后,需等待5-10个工作日,领取方式为本人亲自领取或选择快递;

Step B: Take physical examination in Zhejiang International Travel Health Examination Center (address: No.2, Wensan Road, Xihu Distract, Hangzhou, Zhejiang). the center opens only in the mornings of weekdays. After you finish it, you need to wait for 5-10 business days to take it in person or by delivery.


Step C:根据录取通知书,个人按照需缴纳的费用,缴纳学费和住宿费;

Step C: Cover the fees, such as tuition and dorm fees according to the admission. The account information is as follow

Account Name: beat365体育官网平台

Account Number:


Branch Name: 建设银行湖州吴兴支行


Step D:9月11日后,携带最高学历(学位)证书原件、体检报告、缴费凭证等,来beat365体育官网平台报报到注册,领取居留许可签证材料,报到地址为beat365官方网站入口(20幢309办公室);提前购买中国手机号,以便获得校园码;

Step D: After 11th September, 2023, you can bring highest diploma original, medical report and receipts covering the fees to register in Huzhou University and take the material for study visa. The address is Room 309, Building 20, international college. Buy a Chinese cell phone number in order to get campus code.


Step E:注册完成,携带住宿凭证前往国际学生公寓,办理入住;

Step E: After registration, bring the accommodation receipt to international student flat and live in your own room.


Step F:前往高校警务站,办理外国人住宿登记;

Step F: Go to police station to register your address in Huzhou.


Step G:携带居留许可签证材料和住宿登记,前往湖州市出入境办理学习居留许可;

Step G: Go to huzhou immigration to issue study visa with address receipt and visa material.


Step H:专业生前往专业学院注册登记。

Step H: Major students should go to major colleges for register.