The regulations of off-campus internship for international students of Huzhou University


第一章 总则

Chapter 1 General rules

第一条 为适应国际学生教育发展的形势,加强国际学生在beat365体育官网平台就读期间的校外实习活动的规范管理,根据教育部、外交部、公安部令第42号 《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》、《普通高等学校学生管理规定》等文件精神,结合beat365体育官网平台实际情况,特制定本规定

OneIn order to adapt to the educational development situation of international students, strengthen the standard management of international students’ off-campus internship when they are studying in our university, according to the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Public Security No. 42 "Measures for the administration of the admission and training of international students in schools", "Regulations on the management of students in colleges and universities" document spirits, and combine with the practical situation of our university, we specially made the regulation.


TwoThe "international students" mentioned in the regulation refer to graduate students, undergraduate students and non-academic language students who registered with foreign passports in our school.


ThreeThe "off-campus internship" for international students mentioned in the regulation refers to the practice which is related to professional training in their spare time without affecting their daily learning.


Four; The off-campus internships of international students must follow the principles as follow: with more learning capacity left, voluntary application, open information, priority of assistance, competition and law-abiding, and should be carried out by the school on the premise of not affecting normal teaching and daily learning.

第二章 国际学生校外实习岗位的要求

Chapter 2: The requirements for international students’ off-campus internships

第五条 申请校外实习岗位的国际学生须达到以下条件: Five: International students who want to apply for off-campus internships must meet the requirements as follows:


缺旷课记录,无欠费记录,未受过任何处分;Abide by the laws and regulations in China and our school, no absenteeism records, no arrears records, no punishments;

(二)在校各门必修课和选修课考试成绩必须合格,无补考现象;Test scores of required courses and elective courses must be qualified, no make-up examinations;

(三)学习优异、家庭经济困难的国际学生优先上岗。International students who have excellent academic performances or family financial difficulties will get the priority.

第六条 校外实习的国际学生须如实填写《beat365体育官网平台学生校外实习申请表》、《安全承诺书》,并与实习单位签订《安全协议书》;International students of off-campus internships must fill in the "Application form for off-campus internship of international students in Huzhou University", "Security promise", and signed "the safety agreement" with the internship unit.

第七条申请校外实习的国际学生持学校同意校外实习证明、实习单位接收证明到湖州市公安局出入境管理局申请办理加注校外实习的居留许可证。International students who want to apply for internships should put in for the residence permit of off-campus internship with the approval evidentiary material from school and the acceptance certificate from the internship unit to the exit and entry administration bureau of Huzhou Public Security Bureau.

第三章 组织机构职责

Chapter 3Duties of organizations

第八条 学校外事处、beat365官方网站入口和各专业学院共同负责国际学生校外实习管理工作。专业学院应根据专业培养需要,与相关企业单位建立校企合作机制。The foreign affairs office, the international college and each professional college of Huzhou University are jointly responsible for the management of international students' off-campus internships. The professional colleges should establish school-enterprise cooperation with related enterprises according to the needs of professional training.

第九条 外事处、beat365官方网站入口的职责如下:The duties of foreign affairs office and international college are as follows:

(一)帮助国际学生办理加注校外实习的居留许可证;To help international students to obtain residence permits for off-campus internships;

(二)负责制定国际学生校外实习管理规定; To be responsible for the formulation of regulations on the management of off-campus internships for international students;

(三)负责审核各学院上报的国际学生校外实习申请;To be responsible for checking the off-campus internship applications of international students who have applied for;

(四)负责督查各学院对国际学生校外实习的管理。To be responsible for the management of international students' off-campus internships under colleges;

第十条各学院的职责如下:Duties of each college are as follows:

(一)全面落实《beat365体育官网平台国际学生校外实习管理规定》;To execute "the regulations of off-campus internship for international students of Huzhou University" in the round;

(二)指导国际学生申请校外实习岗位申请,择优录取并做好考勤管理,定期向实习单位了解学生情况; To guide international students to apply for off-campus internships, admit the best applicants and do well in attendance management, and ask internship units about the situation of students regularly;

(三)对校外实习的留学生进行岗前培训和安全教育; To hold pre-job training and safety education for international students who will do off-campus internships.

第四章 校外实习国际学生的职责

Chapter 4Duties of international students for off-campus internships

第十一条校外实习国际学生须遵守以下职责,如有违反将被取消资格并及时通知湖州市公安局出入境管理部门;International students who do off-campus internships must abide by following duties, people who violate these duties will be disqualified and notified to the exit and entry administration department of Huzhou Public Security Bureau;

(一)如实填报个人信息,不得虚报、瞒报;必须在指定地点参与校外实习并不得私自更换单位;Please filling in personal information truthfully, and do not falsify or conceal it; you must take part in off-campus internship at designated location and can not change units without permission;

(二)严格遵守学校各项管理规定;校外实习期间不得与学校内的课程冲突,不得有缺旷课、违反校纪校规,考试成绩不及格情况;Please observe the school management regulations strictly; during the period of off-campus internship, the off-campus internship schedule can not conflict with the on-campus courses, no absence, no violations of rules or unqualified scores;

(三)申请有效期为一年,中途学生因各种原因离职,当年不得再次申请。学生与公司之间自行协定工作时间、权利和义务,如有纠纷,按中国的相关法律予以协商。The application is valid for one year, students who make the dimission for all kinds of reasons are not allowed to apply again in this year. Students can have agreement about work hourspermissions and obligations on their own with the company. In case of disputes, they should negotiate on the basis of relevant laws in China.

第五章 附 则

Chapter 5 Supplementary Articles

第十二条 本规定由外事处、beat365官方网站入口负责解释。The regulations are interpreted by the Foreign Affairs Apartment and International College.

第十三条 本规定自公布之日起施行。This stipulates will be put into effect on the date of publication.



























Passport Number




Name of the off-campus internship unit

Working Address

Business License Number of The Unit

Scope of Operation


Opinion of Secondary CollegeAbsenteeismMake-up Exam

Breach The Discipline

College Leader


Opinion of International College


College Leader


the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau in Huzhou



Application form for off-campus internship of international students

in Huzhou University

PS: Form in quadruplicateApplicant, the secondary colleges, International College, the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau