2018 ZHEJIANG Provincial Government Scholarship for Foreign Students 2018年浙江省政府来华留学生奖学金申请通知




ZHEJIANG Provincial Government Scholarship for Foreign Students (ZGSFS)



Type B: RMB 20,000, for foreign students who study Bachelor Degree Programs.

Type C: RMB 6,000, for the long-term program students.

二、申请条件 Requirements


1)申请人就读本科生,应获得相当于中国高级中学毕业的学历或证书,年龄在30周岁以下。The applicant of Bachelor-degree program shall be under the age of 30, and he/she must have achieved the certificate or diploma which is equal to Chinese High School Certificate.

2)申请人须拥有外国国籍,持有外国护照,对华友好,身体健康;The applicant shall be a healthy foreign citizen holding foreign passport.

3)申请人须表现良好,在校内无旷课等违反校纪校规行为,在校外无违反中国法律法规的行为。The applicant shall be well-behaved, and he/she has no record of violation of the regulation of Huzhou university and the law of China.


The applicants performance of study shall be excellent.NO fail in any subjects, NO absenteeism  and NO arrearage.


The applicant shall have studied at Huzhou University for more than 1 year.

6)申请人应具有相应的汉语水平,并提供相关证明。The applicants should have had reached a certain level of Chinese and provide relevant certificates.


1)来华学习汉语及进修的学生需提供HSK三级及以上证书,部分直接用英语授课的专业需提供HSK二级及以上证书。HSK证书在beat365体育官网平台考点考试通过认定有效,同等条件下,HSK等级高者优先。Students who come to China to learn Chinese language or engage in advanced studies should provide HSK certificates of level 3 or above, students of some majors taught directly in English should provide HSK certificates of level 2 or above. HSK certificates should be confirmed valid by testing in Huzhou University, in the same situation, student who gets a higher mark will have the priority.



Have participated in discipline competitions, arts and sports competitions and achieve other provincial or higher distinctions( should be confirmed valid by the college, group projects should get top 3);

(3)担任留学生管委会干部一年且考核合格者优先;Students who have served as the cadre of International Students Union for one year and passed the evaluation will have the priority;


Students who actively participated in activities at or above the university level will have the priority;

(5)学习绩点排名在班级前50%,学习绩点排名靠前者优先;Student whose GPA ranks in the top 50% of the class and comes top in the class will have the priority;

三、申请材料Documents for Application



Application Form of Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship

2)经过公证的最高学历证明与成绩单复印件。如申请人为在校学生,须提供成绩单复印件;Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are Huzhou University students, they should also provide the grades(Academic performance) of study from their college.

3)护照复印件Photocopy of the applicant's passport (entry stamp page and latest visa page)

4)推荐信:申请人为本科学生,须提供学生所在学校两名教师推荐信;Applicants in Bachelor degree program are required to provide two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from 2 teachers.


HSK Certificate or other Chinese Language Test results (photocopy) .

6)《外国人体格检查记录》复印件;Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form


The applicant's college shall issue certificate with offical stamp to prove no fail in any subjectsand no absenteeism.





Deadline: 24th Oct, 2018



The final result will be published after the meeting of Scholarship Committee before 15th Nov, 2018.


The result will be published on the website of International College for 3 days, and then the final result will be submitted to Provincial ministry of education for ratification. Foreign Affairs Office and International College reserves the right of explanation.


附件:浙江省政府来华留学生奖学金申请表-Application Form of Zhejiang Pro.doc