校内住宿须知Regulations on Dormitory Management



Dwelling students on campus should comply with the following items.

(1) 留学生须在入住时提供护照、JW202表及录取通知书,并按照学校住宿收费标准缴纳住宿费、电费和住宿押金。

 Dwelling students have to provide the photocopy of passport, JW202 form, Admission Letter before the check-in, sign the accommodation contract and pay the corresponding accommodation fee, water and electricity fee and deposit.

(2) 住宿学生须遵守beat365体育官网平台国际学生住宿管理规定,并自觉维护宿舍安全,增强安全意识法制观念,提高防范能力、自我管理能力和自救逃生能力。

Dwelling students should comply with the “Regulation on Management of International Student Dormitories”, enrich the self- consciousness of ensuring the dormitory security and complying with Chinese Law and Regulations, and promote the competence of self- protection, self-management and self-evacuation.

(3) 住宿学生长时间外出时,需提前告知楼幢管理人员和beat365官方网站入口,以便管理人员及时关闭水电。否则外出期间任何宿舍内的财物损失,责任自负。

Dwelling students should inform the management when leaving the room for a long timeso that the water and power supply could be switched off in time. Otherwise the students should bear the responsibility of any loss of their properties or belongings.

(4) 退宿学生办理退宿手续后,须在退宿手续办理完成之日起3天内将所有个人物品搬离宿舍并退还房卡、房间钥匙。无特殊原因未在规定期限内搬出或办理退宿手续的,视为违约留宿,将根据学校有关规定强制将其搬出。

Students who have withdrawal formalities settled must remove all their personal articles out of their dormitory within3 days starting from the date on which the withdrawal formalities are completed. Those who fail to move out within a specified time limit without valid reasons will be deemed as stay-in default and their belongs will be moved out in accordance with relevant regulations of the University.

(5) 学校对学生宿舍用途的调整以及住宿学生学习场所的变更等情况对学生的住宿进行调整时,相关住宿学生应积极配合,服从学校统一安排,不得以任何理由阻挠调整工作。

Dwelling students should cooperate with the dormitory management, follow the direction of university authority in case rooms relocation is necessarily enforced.

(6) 住宿学生发现火警、火灾等事故时,应及时采取报警、撤离现场等措施。发现刑事、治安等案件时,应保护现场,及时报告保卫部门和留学生住宿管理部门,并协助处理。

Dwelling students who detect an accident such as a fire and a fire alarm should timely take actions like calling the police and evacuating from the site. Those who run into a criminal or public security case shall keep the scene intact, contact the police station on campus and dormitory management immediately and provide necessary assistance.

(7) 住宿学生不得在宿舍内留宿非本宿舍人员。因擅自留宿非本宿舍人员造成其他同学或集体财产损失、人身伤害的,留宿者将承担连带赔偿责任或法律责任。

Dwelling students should not have any visitor in the dormitory overnight. If they do so and the act causes any loss of private or public property in the dormitory or physical injury of other dwellers, the dwelling students will have to bear legal and compensation liabilities.

(8) 住宿学生应注意防盗安全,妥善保管个人物品;不得将寝室钥匙借予他人,私自调换或另加门锁;丢失钥匙后要及时报告宿舍管理部门,由宿舍管理部门更换门锁,费用由学生自行承担。

Dwelling students must pay attention to anti-theft security and take good care of their personal articles; they shall neither lend their dormitory keys to others nor change their door locks or fix an additional lock without permission. They must inform the dormitory management immediately if their key is lost and have their door lock changed by the dormitory management. And the fee is paid by students.

(9) 住宿学生应自觉遵守宿舍会客制度和宿舍安全制度,自觉配合管理人员的管理。来访客人须在总台或值班室登记,遵守相应的会客管理规定。

Dwelling students should comply with the regulation of guests’ reception and dormitory security rules. Visitors must register with the duty room and comply with relevant regulations on visitor reception management.

(10) 住宿学生应自觉保护公共环境卫生,共同创造文明、整洁、有序的住宿环境。尊重、珍惜工作人员劳动成果,保持走廊“24小时无垃圾;室内垃圾直接倒入卫生桶内,袋装垃圾及时带到指定的垃圾堆放点;危险废弃物放入指定的存放点;自觉爱护宿舍周围绿化地。

Dwelling students are expected to consciously protect public sanitation and help create clean, tidy and orderly dwelling environment. They have to respect cleaner’s work and help to keep the corridor clean every day, and put dangerous wastes into designated storage site. Do not throw litter or pour waste water out of the window.

(11) 宿舍内禁止经商、宗教或其他相关行为。未经宿舍管理部门批准,任何学生及单位、团体不得在学生宿舍内从事各种传销、经营性活动及收费性活动。住宿学生需举办非经营性宣传活动,须经宿舍管理部门批准后,在制定区域张贴或布置。

Business and other associated activities are prohibited in student dormitories. No individuals or organizations will be allowed to hold profit-oriented or fee-collecting activities such as pyramid selling in student dormitories. Students who need to conduct non-business operations of publicity can hang posters or make arrangements in a designated area, after obtaining the approval of the dormitory management.

(12) 住宿学生应爱护学校公共财产、妥善使用宿舍楼的水电设施、门窗、玻璃、家具、固定电话及其他各项设施、设备。

Students must make proper use of water/electricity facilities, doors, windows, furniture, fixed telephone and a variety of other facilities and equipment in their dwelling rooms, public kitchen, public laundry room and public reading room.

(13) 宿舍内个人使用的家具由使用者本人保管,共同使用的家具由宿舍成员共同负责。未经宿舍管理部门同意,不得将任何由学校统一配置的家具转借他人,或将自备或其他场所的家具搬入学生宿舍使用,或私自拆卸、移动、损坏、丢弃宿舍内家具及设施设备。

Furniture used by an individual in the dwelling room must be properly kept by the user. Shared furniture must be taken good care of jointly by those who share it. Without the consent of the management, no furniture equipped in the rooms by the university should be lent to others, and no self-provided furniture or furniture from other places moved in and used in a student dormitory. And without the management’s consent, no furniture, facilities or equipment in the dormitories can be dismantled, displaced, or discarded.

(14) 住宿学生如发现设施设备有损坏、丢失等现象,应及时到楼管员处报修。人为损坏的,要照价赔偿,相关责任人须自行承担维修、更换费用。

Students who find any facility or equipment damaged or lost must contact the dormitory duty room for repair or replacement. Full compensation shall be made for any facility or equipment damage, and the responsible persons must bear the cost for repair or replacement.

(15) 住宿学生应注意安全用电。宿舍内统一配置的电器不得擅自修理或拆卸,由于使用不当引起的后果由责任人负责。住宿学生应购买、使用正规厂家生产的经过认证的合格电器产品。宿舍管理人员有权制止违章用电行为。

Students must pay attention to the safe use of electricity. Electrical appliances equipped in dormitories cannot be repaired or dismantled by the user. Students must purchase and use certified electrical products made by accredited manufacturers. Dormitory management is entitled to stop electricity consuming activities in violation of regulations.

(16) 留学生公寓、宿舍楼内发生违纪行为的,将根据《beat365体育官网平台国际学生违纪处分规定》给予当事人相应纪律处分,情节严重的还将追究其相关经济、法律责任。

In the event that a discipline violation takes place in a dormitory building, those who are involved will be subject to relevant disciplinary sanction in accordance with the Rules of Huzhou University on the Treatment of Student Disciplinary Violations. And in serious cases, their related economic and legal responsibilities shall be taken by themselves.