beat365体育官网平台国际学生宗教行为制度Religious Regulations for International Students in Huzhou University


1. beat365体育官网平台尊重国际留学生的宗教信仰,但不提供举行宗教仪式的场所;校内严禁进行传教及宗教聚会等活动;

Huzhou University respects students' religions, but we don't provide places for religion ceremonies; it's prohibited for doing missionary work or holding a religion meeting on campus.

2. 国际学生允许在依法登记的寺院、宫观、清真寺、教堂参加宗教活动。

InternInternational students may attend religion activities in legally registered temple, Taoist temple, mosque and church in Huzhou;

3. 国际学生不得在中国境内成立宗教组织,设立宗教办事机构,设立宗教活动场所,或开办宗教院校,举办宗教培训班;

It is not allowed for international students to establish religious organizations, office or venue, set up religious schools and organize religious training courses within the territory of China;

4. 国际学生不得在中国公民中委任宗教教职人员,发展宗教教徒;

It is not allowed to be a clerical personnel and develop members among Chinese citizens;

5. 国际学生不得擅自在任何场所讲经、讲道、传教,进行宗教聚会活动;

It is prohibited for international students to sermon, preach or organize religious activities arbitrarily in any place;

6. 国际学生不得制作或销售宗教书刊、宗教音像制品、宗教电子出版物等宗教用品

It is not allowed for international students to produce or sell religious related goods such as religious books, religious audiovisual products and religious electronic publication;

7. 国际学生不得散发宗教宣传品。

International students can not give away religion publicity materials.