beat365体育官网平台国际学生交通行为制度Campus Traffic Regulations at Huzhou University


1. beat365体育官网平台对校园电动车及摩托车实行交通管制,电动车驾驶员须在beat365体育官网平台留学生管理中心注册本人电动车并获得学校准入许可后,方可在校园内通行。

Drivers of E-bikes are required to register their vehicles at Huzhou University Student Affairs Center and get a campus entry permit.

2. 严禁在校园内无证驾驶,无驾照或无车辆合法行驶证件者须自行处理本人电瓶车。

Drivers of unlicensed E-bikes are supposed to dispose of their vehicles.

3. 出入校园,须出示准入许可。

Drivers of licensed E-bikes and motorcycles are expected to show the entry permit while entering the campus.

4. 电动车在校园内限速20公里/小时,严禁超速行驶,严禁载人。

he maximum speed limit of E-bikes on campus is 20km/h. No speeding driving; do not take anybody by E-bikes.

5. 禁止非法驾驶燃油摩托车及电动摩托车。以下驾驶行为均为违法:酒后驾车、骑摩托车不带头盔、骑车过快、噪音过大、无证驾驶汽车、摩托车等。

Driving a motor vehicle without a valid license or illegal E-bikes is prohibited. Driving a car after drinking, driving rapidly with no helmets on, and speeding, making horrible noise while driving and driving without a valid license are all strictly prohibited.

6. 在中国境内驾驶摩托车、汽车,请确认持有合法的有效证件,否则将受到法律处罚。

A legally valid driving certificate shall be needed for driving a motorcycle or a motor vehicle in China, otherwise punishment will be conducted according to relevant law.